Top Ten Tuesday: Series I Want to Catch-Up On

The bookish meme Top Ten Tuesday (hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl) asks a reading-themed question each week. Today’s prompt is about which series you would like to start, continue, and/or finish. Here are my choices:

Series to Start:

  1. A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
  2. The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan
  3. The Locked Tomb by Tasmin Muir
  4. Cassie Dewell novels by C.J. Box
  5. Star Trek: Coda trilogy

Series to Continue/Finish:

  1. Joe Pickett novels by C.J. Box
  2. The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher
  3. DiscWorld novels by Terry Pratchett
  4. Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovich
  5. Hercule Poirot novels/short story by Agatha Christie
  6. The Sandan by Neil Gaiman


Filed under meme, Top Ten Tuesday

19 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday: Series I Want to Catch-Up On

  1. I love the Rivers of London series and binge listened to them this year!

  2. Sifa Elizabeth

    Ooo, so many I have only vaguely heard about. Let me know if they’re any good!

  3. Somehow I’ve managed to keep current with Box’s Cassie Dewell series, which I really enjoy. I wish I could also say I’m current with Joe Pickett, but I’ve fallen way behind!

  4. I’ve been reading The Sandman and I’m hooked!

  5. There are so many great books, but not enough time! Good luck with these 🙂

  6. Great list! I really enjoyed ACOTAR, and Rivers of London is one of my favorites! I hope you enjoy these whenever you get to them.

  7. I have A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas and the Discworld series on my list, too. I hope I get a chance to read these.

  8. I read the first dresden book, and I’ve always wanted to try Pratchett. I really should do that soon.

    Thanks for commenting on my post!

    • I found the Dresden books got better over the first dozen or so. They’re still good, but the world-building in the first six is a lot of fun. Hope you enjoy!

  9. WendyW

    I’ve heard the wheel of time series is really good. I hope you get a chance to read all these books soon

  10. I forgot about Court of Thorn & Roses on my list. I got about half way thru the Joe Picket series and it kind of faded away though I do still have a couple on my bookshelves. I kind of lost interest. Really looking forward to Dresden files tho – thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    • Right now, the Pickett books are really connecting with me. I’ve read the first five back to back and am working on the sixth. I really like the relationship he has with his daughters.

  11. WendyW

    I’ve heard the A Court of Thorns and Roses series is excellent. I want to read that series too

  12. I read the ACOTAR series even though I didn’t love it like everyone else!

  13. I was just saying to someone else that I don’t read enough Christie and need to change that. How fun to see it on your list today.

    Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

  14. I forgot about DiscWorld. That’s on my TBR too. ACOTAR is at the top of my list too though.

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