Booking Through Thursday — Time Marches On

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Have your reading choices changed over the years? Or pretty much stayed the same? (And yes, from childhood to adulthood we usually read different things, but some people stick to basically the same kind of book their entire lives, so…)

While I don’t read “See Spot Run” anymore (though it is a classic of modern literature), I think my reading choices have remained fairly constant.  I will admit I don’t read as many tie-in novels as I did growing up (I consumed Doctor Who and Star Trek tie-ins in my pre-teen and teenage years), but other than that I would say I’m still fairly consistent.  I’ve added to my rotation of favorite authors or authors I look forward to their next offering, but the top spot still belongs to Stephen King.  And probably will even if his next novel, short story, novella, laundry list, etc. isn’t up to snuff. The man is so prolific and nine times out of ten, I enjoy at least some portion of what he’s written.


Filed under Booking Through Thursday, meme

3 responses to “Booking Through Thursday — Time Marches On

  1. I have always read pretty much everything. It can only get better with time and it is…

    Here is my BTT: Evolution post!

  2. My preference didn’t so much change, as it did…evolve. Here’s My BTT

  3. I used to read all kinds of books as a kid, but now I mainly read fiction.

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